Friday, September 01, 2006

All fun and games...

So, what's been happening in my world since yesterday?

Well, first of all, got the phone bill yesterday. £56 on calls to Canada. Wonder who I could be phoning there? So, cue not very happy housemate.

Then went into town. Handed in application form for Virgin Megastores, went to LRC with my friend, printed out letter for student loan application.

Then went to hand it in. Due to past experience with the place where I had to hand it losing things I asked for a reciept. And if looks could kill, I'd be a dead man by now. But did get my reciept.

Wondered round town with my friend, saw her onto the bus home then went home myself.

Had something to eat and then went on a night out with a couple of firends. On the way home, got a punch simply because I had no money. So currently I have a black eye and a cut just above my eyebrow which may well leave a scar.

Hey, no problem, chicks dig scars, yeah?

My friend phoned to see if I got home OK. Told her what happened, prefacing the description with the words "don't freak out when I tell you this". So, of course, she promptly did.

Later talked to Shar for the first time in days. God I'd missed her. (Still do, come to that.) Told her what happened, again asking her not to freak out when I did.

So, of course, she freaked out as well. Hmmm, there may be a lesson for me there but I'm damned if I can think of what it is :p

Finished talking to Shar then read some of Mick Foleys first autobiography. Then got an in teresting nights sleep.

Talked to Shar again this morning. Then went to college to see about re-enrolling for my course. Turns out they had sent the form out to me, but it probably went to my old address. So, one was printed out for me to sign there and then. At which point I discovered that they got my house number wrong. Hmmm. So anyhoo, now re-enrolled. College starts back on the 18th. Which, coincidently enough, is the day Studio 60 starts in the States.

And the rest of my day has been pretty boring. So I won't bore you with it.



Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wow, this is weird!

So, I normally do this in my diary at open diary. Unfortunately, I've get severly limited access to OD at the mo, so here I am.

Minor annoyance: I have been waiting for a while to hear back about my student loan application. finally I get a letter yesterday asking me to supply evidence of the reason I left my old course. The problem is, I left because I realised that the course wasn't for me. I told the university of my decision face to face and, as such, had no evidence. So I have been asked to supply a covering letter. Well, that was after I could contact the buggers.

I tried phoning yesterday. Unfortunately, the line was engaged. so I though, sod it, I'll email them. Only to discover that I the only way to get in touch with the SLC is by phone. If I want to write/email, I have to do so through my LEA. Who, naturally enough, don't have a bloody email address.

So I'll get the letter written tonight, ask my friend very nicely if she'll print it out for me (my printer access is also very limited at the mo) and get that dropped off. Oh, and I'll get a reciept as well, cos I know what the place it's to go to is like.

Watched Snakes On A Plane the other day. It's actually really, really good. I mean, it's in no way a classic, but it is what it is. Which is entertaining.

I'm also hopelessly addicted to Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip after I downloaded aquired it. Can't wait for it to start properly. Fan - fucking - tastic.

Oh, and in comment to my last post, I was a huge fan of the planet Pluto as it drove people mad in it's defy definition position. Grrr to the people who classified it. Grrr sayeth I

Anyway, must go, I'm about to get booted out of here.


Just a thought.

If astrolology is a way of predicting future events using the location of planets and stars in the sky at a particular time...

And bearing in mind the news from last week that Pluto is not actually a planet...

Does this mean that decades of astrology predictions are now to be discarded?

This thought brought to you courtesy of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy: The Quintessential Phase

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Long time, no write

Kinda forgot that I had this thing.

So, what's happened in the last year and a bit since I last wrote here?

Well, I started a new course. I am now studying FdA TV and Film Production at Cleveland College of Art and Design. I passed the first year of the course, but just.

That is all down to my extreme procrastination.

I'm currently looking for work after quitting my call centre job. It was interfering with my studies and sucking the very soul out of me.

Seriously. You ever seen the Simpsons episode where Bart sells his soul? The way that automatic doors stopped working for him? That's what would have happened with me.

No longer with the girl I was with then. But...

For another entry.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Good reasons to vote

1) You'll get some fresh air.
2) The walk down to the polling station could account for up to 10 minutes of your recommended daily 30 minutes exercise.
3) You could tie it in with your shopping trip.
4) You might meet the one true love of your life on the way to the polling station.
5) You can write a comedy message on the back of the ballot paper, like "Help, I am a miniature man trapped in this ballot box" to cause amusement to a counter tonight.
6) If you can pull hard enough, you could leave the polling station with a free pencil.
7) You can delude yourself with the idea that Tony Blair will take the slightest notice of the people of this country.


And, yes, I did vote.

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Call-centre customer’s charter

We, the callers, aim to:
1. Ask the most ridiculous questions we can think of, not ask for the information we actually want but drop hints in the manner of a politician avoiding a sex scandal.
2. Give only part of the information the advisor needs to resolve our query. We know advisors just love using those finely honed questioning skills.
3. We will omit post-codes, dates and specifics wherever possible.
4. Complain that it has taken five minutes to get through, then proceed to talk about the weather, the Mars landing or the colour of our grandchild’s poo.
5. Deliberately misunderstand the first three explanations you give us for even the simplest query; we know advisors like a challenge.
6. Call on behalf of our mother / niece / aunt / mother is law’s dog etc and become annoyed when the advisor will not give us any information due to that useless bit of legislation the Data Protection Act.
7. Treat the advisor like an imbecile, we after all are superior because we can handle difficult equations like two plus two.
8. Interrupt the advisor in the middle of their explanations and tell them what the ‘girl at the bank’ told us, even though it’s blatantly incorrect.
9. Make the advisor guess what we want; we know they’re all telepathic really.
10. End the call by going through absolutely everything again just to make sure that the advisor wasn’t lying the first time around.

I work at a call center. this is astoundingly true.